At the end of April 2016 I started with the Killerbody plan. A plan which helps you to reach your Killerbody with not just the right food, but also with excercises and especially strength training. I’ll tell you about my experience of the first three days with the Killerbody plan and I’ll show you what the meals look like.
My blogs about the Killerbody plan appeared in Dutch last year. Because the Killerbody plan is going to be published in English, I decided to translate my blogs into English, so you can read my experiences and progress to!
With the Killerbody plan you can choose whether you’re going to start with the diet, the exercices or both. I decided to do both, but I’m not able to do every exercice because of my heart disease. That’s a positive thing about this book: you can choose a plan suits your goals and possibilities.
My first though when I was reading the menu? That I had to detox from carbohydrates and sugar! I loved bread, pasta, rice and snacks. I didn’t eat very unhealthy, but I ate to much carbohydrates. With the meals of the Killerbody Plan I just eat one or maybe two slices of bread a day and half of the rice, pasta or patatoes I used to eat. You also have to eat a lot of vegetables with this plan, but I really like vegetables so this wouldn’t be hard for me.
I don’t think this is a real diet because it looks more like a healthy plan for the rest of your life, instead of a strict diet. My conclusion is: less carbohydrates, less sugar and take the double of vegetables. It sounds easy, but I had to get used to taking less carbohydrates.
You need carbohydrates for your muscles and not eating any can be very dangerous. Fajah would let you eat carbohydrates, but not as much as you used to eat and only the healthy kind of carbohydrates. Do you want to know what those meals look like?
My breakfast: skinny fresh cheese, half of an apple and some cinnamon. I really like the combination, so I ate it with love. I started the day also with a cup of coffee with no sugar. There’s a lot of cinnamon in the meals of this Killerbody plan, because it regulates your bloodsugar and increases the fat burning process.
My snack between 10 and 12 a.m: half a cucumber with some black pepper and low salt seasonings.
It’s lunchtime! A wholegrain wrap with chicken breast, cucumber, tomato and some lettuce. I forgot to buy avocado, so this version is without the avocado!
Between lunchtime and diner I ate an apple.
My diner: chicken breast with lots, lots of vegetables and a bit of rice.
My breakfast: Fajah told me to eat granola bread, but I don’t like that one. Instead I’ll have a slice of bread with peanutbutter (the organic one). After that, I’ll have a little snack: two crisp bread with chickenbreast and some creamcheese light. A delicious combination!
My lunch: An omelet (one egg, two eggwhites) with lettuce. And a slice of bread with some chicken breast. I miss my cheese…haha! But this tastes good as well.
My snack in the afternoon: an apple with some cinnamon.
My diner was great! I ate a fresh grilled fish with lots of greens and some patatoes.
This breakfast becomes my favourite breakfast: a pancake with oats, banana, eggs and some vanilla flavour. I ate it with some fresh red fruit like blueberries and strawberries. Yum!
My snack for this morning: crisp bread with Hüttekase (fresh cheese) and some pepper and herbs. I really like this combination!
My lunch for today: a salad with green beans, radish, lettuce, tomato, cucumber and tuna. It was very good but almost to much for me!
My snack after my lunch: an orange.
Today I’m happy because I’m allowed to cook pasta for diner. It’s wholegrain pasta with crème fraîche, red pepper, tomato en herbs. And…lovely fish! I was shocked by the fact the pasta was half of what I used to eat.
I am not a Sporty Spice, so it’s a long time ago that I went to the gym. My condition is not what it used to be after my pregnancy and heart disease. The Killerbody Plan contains a lot of strenght training so I started with the exercices. My muscles were very painfull after the training, but the exercices are quite easy and take care of all body parts. Between the exercices you have to do some rope skipping for a couple of minutes.
The stuff you need for a home work out: jumping rope, rubber band and a exercise (yoga) mat. That’s all! That makes it so easy to do the workouts at home and hold on to the plan.
First impression
The first three days I was doing great. I had a little bit of a headache because of taking less sugar and carbohydrates, but I didn’t starve. Sometimes I was craving for something sweet or fat, but after two days the craving were gone. The difficult part of the plan during the first days was the early afternoon, cause between lunch and diner you only eat a piece of fruit. Sometimes I was low on sugar and ate a piece of chicken or a crisp bread.
I like the exercices, but not the pain ofcourse. Despite the pain I think the workouts are easy to do thanks to the clear descriptions in the book with pictures.
So: My first impression is very good and positive and I really like the meals and de exercices. I also learned a lot from Fajah about carbohydrates and losing weight. I took some pictures last Monday to see my progress and to compare with the picture I’ll make in two weeks.
I hope you like my blog about the first impression of the Killerbody Plan! If you are going to start with the plan: I wish u good luck and hold on! Go and get that Killerbody!
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